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(800) 483-4301


Professional Facilities Management, With A Mission

Get to Know us

Professional. Efficient. Reliable. And so much more.

We’re passionate about providing services that eliminate our client’s stress.

To do so, we balance the importance of efficiency and professionalism, and go above and beyond the basics of facility management.

We’re leading the way with innovative and sustainable solutions that uplevel what it means to provide a clean and safe environment. We know when we show up for you, your business can grow, which is why we’re passionate about what we do.

Meet Our Founders

Our leadership team combines years of experience on both the corporate and facility management sides of business.

Kiasha’s CEO experience combined corporate procurement, budgeting, and profit and loss management for companies such as Walmart, Lowes, and Shutterfly. She understands the intricacies of managing daily operations and the significance of utilizing support functions that help create safe, functional environments.

Gene’s COO background is in facility management, construction, and real estate. Gene has built his career around buying and selling real estate, focusing on project management. His skill set brings an eye towards efficiency and reliability, which is evident in everything Swift Facility Solutions does.

Become A Partner

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Questions & Answers

We provide facility solutions to all 50 states of the USA. 
No. Swift Facility Solutions only provides commercial and industrial services.

Yes! Swift Facility Solutions is HUB certified and has experience working with government agencies.